Andrew Hillman Genealogy, Andrew J Hillman Dallas, Texas United States of America
The vast majority of Argentine Jews are descended from immigrants who arrived from Europe. These ashkenazic Jews migrated from small towns or shtetels of Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Germany, Romania or Ukraine, leaving behind most of their Jewish relatives. After two or three generations, those Jewish families lost track of their relatives, having been saved from the war, emigrated to other countries like USA, England or Australia.
HILLMAN Genealogy
This is an open forum to discuss the origin, the meaning and the family stories of the surname HILLMAN.
Both your knowledge and the oral tradition of the origin and meaning of this surname will be helpful.
Using the Daitch-Mokotoff Soundex Code we can obtain some variants of scripture of the same surname. Below you will find the variants of scripture we have in our database. They will be useful to find and to determine the HILLMAN meaning.
We invite you to post your knowledge and familiar tradition about your surnames. JUST DO IT at the end of the following posts.
You can also try to find relatives posting here information about your relatives you are searching for.
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Certificates from Argentina
Is Hillman a Jewish name?
Name: Sebastian
Comments: There are jewish families in Argentina with surname HILLMAN
Name: Daniel
Comments: In the Jewish cemetery of La Tablada, Buenos Aires, is buried some people with this surname.
Name: Andrew J. Hillman