Embracing My Genetic Legacy: Exploring the 99% from 23andMe and My Ashkenazi Jewish Heritage

Andrew Jonathan Hillman
3 min readApr 5, 2024

As I sat down to review the results of my 23andMe DNA test, I was filled with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. Like many others, I had embarked on this journey of genetic discovery in search of answers about my ancestry and heritage. Little did I know that the results would reveal a profound connection to my Ashkenazi Jewish roots — a connection that would not only reshape my understanding of my own identity but also deepen my appreciation for the rich tapestry of human diversity.

Unveiling the 99%: A Genetic Journey

As I scrolled through the pages of my 23andMe report, one figure stood out among the rest: 99%. At first glance, it seemed almost inconceivable — a genetic makeup so overwhelmingly homogeneous, yet so intricately complex. But as I delved deeper into the data, I began to unravel the story of my genetic heritage — a story that spanned centuries and continents, weaving together the threads of countless ancestors who had come before me.

The 99% from 23andMe represented more than just a numerical value — it was a testament to the resilience and endurance of a people who had faced centuries of persecution and adversity. It was a reminder that despite the passage of time and the countless migrations and upheavals that had shaped our collective history, the DNA of my Ashkenazi ancestors still resonated within me, carrying with it the echoes of a rich and storied past.

Rediscovering My Ashkenazi Jewish Roots

For many individuals with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, the journey of self-discovery often begins with a sense of curiosity — an innate desire to uncover the stories and traditions of their forebears. In my own journey, the results of my 23andMe test served as a catalyst for a deeper exploration of my Ashkenazi heritage — a journey that would take me beyond the confines of genetic data and into the heart of a vibrant and diverse cultural tradition.

Through conversations with family members, visits to ancestral homelands, and immersive experiences within Jewish communities, I began to piece together the puzzle of my Ashkenazi identity. I learned of the rich tapestry of customs and traditions that had been passed down through generations, from the observance of religious holidays to the celebration of life’s milestones. And with each new discovery, I felt a profound sense of connection — to my ancestors, to my heritage, and to the countless individuals who had come before me.

Embracing Diversity and Unity

As I reflect on my journey of genetic discovery and cultural exploration, I am struck by the profound interconnectedness of the human experience. We are all products of our ancestors’ journeys, shaped by the myriad influences of history, geography, and culture. And yet, within this vast tapestry of diversity, there exists a common thread — a shared humanity that transcends the boundaries of time and space.

In embracing my Ashkenazi Jewish heritage, I have come to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the human story — the stories of triumph and resilience, of struggle and perseverance. And in doing so, I have gained a deeper understanding of myself and my place in the world — a sense of belonging that extends far beyond the confines of genetic data or cultural identity.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of our modern world, let us remember the lessons of our ancestors — the importance of resilience, empathy, and solidarity. For it is through embracing our diversity and celebrating our shared humanity that we can build a more just, inclusive, and compassionate society for future generations to come.



Andrew Jonathan Hillman

Andrew J. Hillman, a prominent figure in the vibrant business community of Dallas, Texas, USA, wears multiple hats with grace and determination.